Čaj.hr – Naturavita. Only tea.

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Petra Preradovića 183,

33405 Pitomača, Croatia


Tel: 00385 (0) 33 783 879
Fax: 00385 (0) 33 783 767
E-mail: marketing@jan-spider.hr


Distributor for Croatia:




Miramarska 23,

10000 Zagreb, Croatia


Tel: 00385 1 2413 900

Fax: 00385 1 2413 901

E-mail: grupa@atlanticgrupa.com

Press kit



Jan Spider d.o.o.

Company details

JAN-SPIDER  d.o.o. za trgovinu, proizvodnju i usluge,
Petra Preradovića 183, 33405 Pitomača, Croatia

TEL 00385 (0)33 783 879 

FAX 00385 (0)33 783 767
WEB: www.spidergrupa.hr 

MAIL: info@spidergrupa.hr


Personal ID No.: 91255584797, Commercial court of Bjelovar, decision Tt-09/565-4 under the court registration number: 010004400,
Starting capital HRK 7,794.000,00 paid in full,

Company members: Denis Nemčević, Jasna Nemčević, Diana Bartolić, 

Bank account: Hypo Alpe-Adria bank d.d., Zagreb Slavonska avenija 6, 2500009-1102130940,
IBAN: HR4325000091102130940, SWIFT code: HAABHR22

čajnik / teapot čajnik / teapot

“As our exterior is cleaned with water, so tea cleanses us within.”

Chinese saying


Tea protects the whiteness of teeth

Adding a few drops of milk to your tea prevents unattractive spots from forming on your teeth. Only one drop of milk in tea can be more effective than whitening toothpaste.

Perfect tea depends on the water temperature

The ideal temperature for steeping tea depends on the type of tea you are preparing. When preparing tea, always heat the water in a teapot. While heating it in a microwave oven may seem practical and efficient, it is impossible to achieve the ideal water temperature for steeping tea.

Regulate the amount of caffeine in your cup of tea

If you want more caffeine in your cup, steep the tea bag or leaves in hot water for a longer period of time. If you want to eliminate up to 80% of caffeine, first steep the tea briefly, and then pour fresh boiling water over it again.

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